I Crush Soles

I’m officially at the point in marathon training of tapering.


My long run lengths are decreasing, weekly mileage slowly decreasing, and my focus on taking care of my body (sleep, food, water) are becoming more important.


I got a brand new pair of running shoes for Christmas. (Thank you so much, Jason’s mom! ) They couldn’t have come at a more perfect time.




These new shoes are the exact same as my old ones, Brooks Adrenaline, size 7.5, Narrow. The only difference is the color.


I feel like I just bought these shoes! I’ve only had them since the last week of August. It’s amazing how much marathon training can destroy shoes. I have put almost 500 miles on them since September! Wow!




Remember how pretty they once were?




I crush soles…




According to my marathon training plan, I had 13.0 miles on schedule for my second to last long run. Next week, I have 10.0 planned.


I’ve been feeling a bit unmotivated lately, but the new shoes, and the fact that the marathon is in 14 days (!!!!!) is a pretty big motivator.


I fueled up with a Blueberry Crisp CLIF bar before I left. It tasted so final-exam week-ish. (Probably because I ate 16 in a one week period.)




I brought a pack of sports beans with me in my new Ampihod belt.




I then hit the road for my run! I have never attempted a long run alone. The longest I have ever run alone before today was 8.0 miles. I ran all by myself, and did just fine!


It was actually nice to see how I could run alone. Running for 26.2 miles poses a real possibility of having to run a portion alone. Although I have plans to stick with BFF Debbie (don’t know if she knew that, but now she does…) nothing is for sure. I needed to make sure that mentally I can do it alone.




I set a goal for myself to finish in two hours or less. Having a goal like that helps me to work harder.


I finished my 13.0 mile run in 1:58:29, or a 9:06 min/mile pace. Boo-yah! It was awesome. I feel confident about the marathon!


When I returned, I made a big bowl of cereal and yogurt. It’s a great post-run snack! I saved dishes by using the rest of the yogurt straight from the OIKOS tub.




I added in to the tub:

  • (Vanilla Oikos)
  • Banana
  • Kashi H2H
  • Almond Granola
  • Flaxseed




Nom. Nom. Nom.

Good luck BFF Debbie on your last long run of 20.0 miles! (She was supposed to do it last week, but it Snowed!)



❤ MegaNerd