Studying on Saturday

The last five or six Saturday’s of my life have been either

a. FE Review class 8am-5pm


b. Early morning race and THEN class until 5pm


Today was no different. I then continued my long day by spending another four hours studying for my Thermo test. MY LIFE = Studying.

When will my life be normal?!?

I am studied out! Honestly though, my grades stink worse then my trash can. I NEED to do well on these tests… my future (aka graduating, getting out of massive debt, and moving away with Jason) depends on it!

Sorry, I needed to vent!


Now onto what you REALLY want to read about… FOOD!

I started my morning off with a bowl mug of Oatmeal. It’s easier to take it on the go this way.


It had the usual… with banana and almond butter.

Jason ate my leftover sushi, which was disappointing, but I decided to make sushi wraps!


I basically took a whole wheat wrap, spread a decent amount of sundried tomato hummus, added deli meat, and sprouts. Then, I wrapped it up, and cut into cute little bite sized pieces!


I packed the “sushi” with 2 carrots and extra hummus:


I like to have mini-meals when I’m at school, so I also packed a cut up honey crisp apple…


… and a pumpkin pie Kashi bar. These things taste like dessert, but are actually pretty healthy!


Time to wrap this post up! I’ll finish up the day’s eats in the morning. You will have to wait in suspense until then. I made a very “fall” meal, and had a “glo”-ing dessert! 😀

❤ MegaNerd

Eyes Bigger Than My Stomach

It’s been a great Friday!

I started the day out with an awesome 13.1 mile run, and the rest of the day has been just as hot fun.

Jason’s work schedule has been so weird lately, so when he called me to meet him for lunch, I jumped at the opportunity to see him in the middle of the day! Even though we live together, I honestly only see him for like 20 minutes a day. He’s already sleeping when I get home from school, and I’m asleep when he leaves for work. It’s lame.

Anyways… we met at Quizno’s for some sub-alicious food. I ordered the best sub ever, the regular sized Tuscan Turkey.


It’s got:

  • Rosemary Parmesan bread
  • turkey
  • cheese
  • tomato
  • lettuce
  • roasted red pepper sauce
  • onion

Did you know they took this off the menu?! GASP!!!!! How will I live?


I barely got any school work done today! I had plans to meet my friend for tea, so I ate a light snack before I left:


I’ve heard so many great things about Infusion Tea in Orlando, that I knew I had to try it out for myself! I can’t believe that I’ve been in this city for five years, and there is still so much I have not done!


I brought my school work to study for a couple hours before my friend, Keri arrived. I smelled a bunch of the sample teas before finally choosing one.


I finally decided on an herbal iced tea, the Citrus Sunset!


I also had a new (to me) CLIF bar, a MOJO Trail Mix bar. Umm… peanut butter pretzel? This was the ultimate snack!!


Once Keri finally arrived, I ordered a hot Roobios Monk’s blend tea.


The girl working there brought it out like this, with a timer based on how strong I wanted my tea brewed!


The environment in Infusion Tea was so quiet and peaceful. It’s so hard for me to study at most coffee shops, because everything seems so fast paced must-have-coffee-now! It was a lovely afternoon of catching up with my friend!


Keri and I then headed downtown to meet Jason for dinner!


Keri has been Jason’s friend since high school. I used to think of her as Jason’s friend, but she is now my friend, too! Jason thinks I’m stealing her!

She’s super fun to hang out with, down to earth, likes to run, and eat awesome food. She lives in Washington, D.C. and needs running friends! Anyone out there?

I feel like a friend matchmaker lately.

We headed out for some sushi. I obviously had bigger eyes than a stomach, because THIS is what came to me…


The hugest plate of sushi EVER!!!!!

It was awful…


Just kidding, I couldn’t finish ALL of it…


I have had a great Friday, with the exception of a ticket that was on my car when I came out of sushi. Ugh… lame expired tags!!

Oh well, it’s been an AWESOME day otherwise! Not going to let one silly thing ruin my day. It’s 10:15 pm, and I can’t WAIT to go to bed! I’ve been up since 5:00 am, and I’m pooped! I’m such an old fart.

❤ MegaNerd