Running Shoes are for Skipping

I’ve been meaning to get new running shoes for a while. I finally sucked it up and ordered a new pair. After all, I haven’t actually worn new shoes since…um, Christmas.




I know, I know. You’re supposed to change them out every 500 miles, or 3-4 months depending on how much you use them.


Being the frugal girl that I am, I hate spending money unless it’s absolutely necessary. Especially to drop $100 on SHOES! However, during this past weekend’s 15k race, my knees began to hurt after only 4.0 miles. I’m talking MAJOR pain. I knew immediately that the old shoes were the culprit. I had felt this exact pain during the Disney marathon and I knew the solution.


NEW SHOES! My legs have been begging for these.




I purchased my third pair of Brooks Adrenaline GTS 10. I absolutely LOVE them. I have yet to get one blister from them, and they are one of the few shoes that come in a narrow width. (If I wear regular width my feet blister like crazy.)


Today was another looooong day at work. I worked two jobs today, which left no time/energy for running. At least I got to enjoy the fresh air and get paid at the same time! Perhaps I will get a run in tomorrow morning?




I found another good use for the shoes: skipping to the park with a four-and-a-half-year-old! (Job #2 = Babysitting a few times a week)




We stopped to enjoy the wildlife. She called it “mama kitty.” She always brings a smile to my face. 🙂




It was already dark by the time I got home, and way past my normal dinner hour. I made an easy combo that never fails:




Sweet potato + baked beans:




Side salad with tomatoes and feta:




Whew. I’m exhausted. Time for sleep!


Are you loyal to your favorite running shoe? I used to be an Asics girl, and now I’m all about the Brooks!


❤ MegaNerd

The Direction of Dreams

Hello, friends!


Today was actually a pretty good one for me! I feel like I have had a black cloud of doom over me the past few weeks as I continuously get more and more discouraged with my slowing running speeds and lack of any job leads.

In case you haven’t been reading long, I am a recent college graduate looking for a job in civil engineering. Along with my two part-time jobs that fill my days, I started my own side business to do freelance sub-consulting for transportation engineers and urban planners. It’s a difficult process that doesn’t reap great financial rewards (yet), but the experience and contacts is really what I’m after!


This afternoon, I was presented with the opportunity to meet with a Professional Engineer (PE) who used to own part of a MAJOR civil engineering firm. Essentially, he does exactly what I want to do one day, and it made my day to get a chance to talk with him for 20 minutes. I was there on an errand for another client, but feel like I made a great impression! He might have more freelance work for me! Woo-hoo!


He told me to keep in touch, and I left with a smile. I walked straight out of the meeting…and straight into Pinkberry. Without even flinching. Hmm…


I’m a HUGE fan of tart frozen yogurt. I loved the pomegranate flavor with strawberries and honey granola.




It was a refreshing afternoon treat without guilt.




Once I returned home, I applied to a few more jobs (I got a second wind of motivation) and worked on improving my cover letter. Big thanks to Lauren who proof-read my letter! She teaches a class in cover letter writing, and offered to give me some pointers. Thanks again! 🙂


I whipped up a quick meal between tasks:




  • Sweet Potato with cinnamon
  • Grilled Chicken
  • steamed broccoli


This afternoon, I got to thinking. I keep getting so discouraged that I still haven’t had a single job interview. I get discouraged that I am not running as fast as I used to. The negative thoughts in my head are literally dragging me down and effecting other aspects of my life.


I asked myself, “What if, instead of getting discouraged that I haven’t met my end goal, I appreciated the little progress that I make each day? “


A few months ago, running 9.3 miles would have been completely out of the question. But with the baby steps of running a tiny bit more each week, I was finally able to complete my goal. As I continue to increase my mileage, I know that I will gain my speed back. This is also true in my career! I keep making more contacts, getting my name out there, and getting more freelance work.


I’m heading in the right direction, and it’s about time I started being proud of my efforts! It’s all about baby steps. 🙂


Quote of the Day:

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined."

-Henry David Thoreau


Are you heading in the direction of your dreams?

❤ MegaNerd