Happy is Healthy.

Today’s been one of those mornings. I slept in, and once I got up and moving, I just wanted to go BACK to bed.

My lab was cancelled, and I considered going in to get a couple extra work hours, but decided to take some “mental health” time. I had a lot on my mind and just wanted to chill.

I REALLY wanted Starbucks. I traded my GM (Green Monster smoothie) for a Starbucks CM (caramel macchiato). Totally amazing, and probably way less healthy for me. However, venturing out to starbucks and ordering the biggest drink ever made me happy!


Isn’t part of being healthy, being happy? I believe so.

NOTHING sounded good to eat. I basically ate because I knew I “should”. My stomach was all knotted so I ate a basic piece of PB toast.


Check out that amazing background  on my computer. That’s my new boyfriend, MR. INCREDIBLE. We met at the Disney Marathon, and it was love at first sight. He is absolutely perfect in every way. 😉

Obviously, I am kidding.

Since I didn’t really eat breakfast, I had Breakfast for lunch!


My Oatmeal included:

  • 1/2 cup oats
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup milk (probably overdoing the milk consumption today)
  • Tablespoon of ground flax
  • brown sugar
  • almonds
  • coconut
  • banana

Basically, amazing.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about happiness. As in, what makes me happy, what in my life I want to improve, and where my life is heading in general. I’m pretty excited about what my future holds, even though I have no idea what is going to happen.

Have a Happy Day! 😀

❤ MegaNerd