2492 Calories to Make Up

Immediately after I crossed the finish line of the Disney Marathon, an orange was plopped into my hand. I stared at it awkwardly… like what am I supposed to do with this?!


My stomach didn’t really feel too much better after I stopped. I was really shocked that I was hungry even with all the intestine issues (sorry!).


My dad, stepmom, brother and sister took me to lunch after the race at the Rainforest Cafe in Downtown Disney.




Yes, I wore my medal to lunch!!! 😀


I ordered the pita quesadillas which were delicious!




I ate mostly all of it, but it took a little while.




I also had about a handful of the community french fries.




The six of us split this massive brownie ice cream dessert volcano thing! (Look at my bro in the background. He’s amazed!)




I had a decent sized hunk on my plate. It was the best part of the meal!




I actually did not feel hungry at all the rest of the night. My stomach still felt awkward. Debbie’s mom brought a huge fruit tray for us, so I nibbled on some of that.




The only other thing I had was a mug of chocolate milk




…and some graham crackers. Nothing sounded appealing.




NO worries… I ate my weight on Monday!


Breakfast 1: Kashi bar + fruit



Breakfast 2: Gingerbread bagel, Cream cheese, Coffee

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Lunch: Insane amounts of Debbie’s leftovers.



Snack: CLIF bar



Dinner: Pasta, beans, feta, broccoli, alfredo sauce. YUM!



Good news! My stomach is finally feeling better! 😀


According to my Garmin, I burned about 95 calories per mile. I’m not sure that I made up my 2400+ calorie deficit, but I’ll be working on it.


❤ MegaNerd

26 Responses

  1. I really didn’t get hungry after the half mary until just before dinner time. By then, I was so hungry, I would have eaten raw meat. Actually, I did — we went out and ordered a ridiculously HUGE platter of sushi with the intent of taking some of it home for leftovers. Sorry, no leftovers; I scarfed it all. 🙂

    I’m still ravenously hungry at every meal, and I’m really enjoying it.

  2. Wow, wish I had a 2400+ calorie deficit to make up…….mine is the complete opposite as I have only ran “1” time in the past 3 weeks due to the holidays and knee pain.

    Get to EATING girl! =O

  3. Yay! I am glad you are feeling better and back to eating!!

    I ❤ panera!

  4. It took a day for my stomach to catch up too! Now I’m still hungry on Tuesday 🙂

    Your little brother and sister are super cute!

  5. I used to LOVE The Rainforest Cafe!! It opened in one of the malls here years and years ago (it’s closed now boo). My brother and I used to always ask to go for our birthdays.

    Having to eat so much food when you have no appetite is a drag. I hate when that happens. I feel like a 5 year old child being force fed broccoli at the dinner table. Glad your appetite returned.

    Congrats (again and again)!!

  6. Awh I’m glad you’re feeling better – it’s lucky you were OK to eat when you went out for that meal – I’d have HATED to miss out on that incredible looking dessert! That thing looked insane lol! Have a good evening 🙂

  7. Glad to hear you’re feeling better, it sucks when your stomach acts up and you feel all out of whack.
    I’m a new reader and just have to say I love the blog!

  8. Great eats Meghann! Glad you fueled yourself properly!

  9. I never have an appetite for the entire day after a long run. Although I’ve never run that long!

    Eat! Rest!

  10. Glad your stomach is feeling better. That pic of your little brother staring at the brownie is pricelss– that’s how I look at desserts too 🙂

  11. I had that same weird dazed feeling when they handed me all sorts of weird food at the end. I wasn’t hungry at ALL. However, in about ten minutes, once I was on the bus, I downed a blueberry muffin w/o even noticing I was donig so…hehehehe.

  12. I’m glad your stomach is feeling better now. Did you determine what all the intestinal cramping was from? was it something you ate post-marathon?

    I hope you never have to experience that again!! I’ve had the same thing happen to me, but during much shorter races.

  13. glad your stomach is feeling better! and i love that you wore the medal to lunch. way to be a proud marathoner 🙂

  14. I always find that when I do long runs (and my races) I am typically not hungry until the next day. My husband laughed at me during my marathon training because the day of my 23 mile run I was NOT hungry at all. But then about 3:00am the hunger bug hit and he found me in the kitchen at 3:30am making eggs and pancakes! I am glad your body is slowly getting back to normal! You marathoner you!

  15. I love how your body will let you know what it needs in order to refuel itself 🙂 Congrats on the marathon and hope you enjoy the recovery time!!

  16. I have no idea how you managed to finish that marathon with such stomach issues! That can be SO debilitating, especially when running. Mad respect!

  17. Heck yeah I’d be rocking that medal at least all week!!

  18. Awesome job once again. I’m glad that you were able to enjoy a lunch after the marathon. After mine, I was not able to get out of the bathroom (sorry for sounding gross). Love that you sported your medal…that’s a must! The lunch with your family looks delish…esp. that brownie sundae!! Congrats again girl!

  19. I was quite sick feeling right after my 1/2 marathon, but the next day, I totally made up for it! Our bodies do such weird things sometimes, but all you can do is roll with it.

    So glad you are feeling better hun.

    Oh and ps- YOU ARE A MARATHONER, (just in case you forgot! 😉

  20. You def deserved all that food!! Glad to hear you’re feeling better. 🙂 LOVE that you wore your ribbon to lunch! I would continue to wear it everywhere, haha.

  21. Congrats on your marathon! Sounds like it was a memorable day!

  22. So glad your stomach finally started feeling better.

    I remember the first time I ran a half marathon, I was fine during the race but I was totally in stomach hell afterwards, so I’ve had to be careful about what I eat before, during and after races. Apparently my stomach is not a big fan of sugar!

  23. I’m sure your stomach issues didn’t help the usual post-run stomach, either. At least you’re feeling better now!

  24. mmmmm all that food looks so good! I bet you could eat everything in sight after that marathon! I love the rainforest cafe and the new T-REX restaurant its awesome!!!

  25. Congrats on your marathon and glad you are feeling better!!!!

  26. Those pita quesadillas are my favorite! I have to get them every time I go to Rainforest!

    You’re my inspiration 🙂

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