Anniversary Enchiladas!

Happy two year anniversary to me and Jason! 😀


Two years ago today, Jason and I went on our first date, TGIFridays! LOL. He took me out to dinner before my first 10k to “get some carbs”. Surrrrre. He just wanted to hangout with me. 😉

Jason is my best friend, and I don’t know what I would do without him! He brings out the best in me, and always makes me laugh.

Aaawww.. ok enough sappiness.

The only weeknight that we get to eat dinner together is Wednesday so it works out that our anniversary fell tonight. We made enchiladas together!


We used whole wheat tortillas, oikos (instead of sour cream), salsa, chicken, Mexican cheese, jalepenos, cumin, garlic, and enchilada sauce. It turned out so tasty!


I wanted veggies IN my enchilada, but Jason made them on the side.



Back up to this afternoon… I ran 4.0 miles on the treadmill in 38 minutes. It wasn’t “easy” but wasn’t “hard” either. I only had 15 minutes between the gym and class so I made a green smoothie to cool me down.


Same ingredients as yesterday, but this one all to myself!

  • spinach
  • ice
  • banana
  • 1/2 cup soymilk
  • spoonful peanut butter

I also snacked on a pumpkin pie Kashi bar during class…


Off to spend some time with my man! Have a great night!

❤ MegaNerd

Disney Marathon Training Plan

I FINALLY got around to creating my training plan for the Disney Marathon!

Here it is! My Disney Marathon Training Plan !!


You may notice it looks a little all over the place. That is because I tailored a plan to fit my schedule, and my life. There really is no ONE right way to train. Every person is different, and my schedule is perfect for me!


Some aspects about the plan:


1. Only 4 days a week running. I am extremely busy with school, and this will keep me sane. There is NO need for me to train 5,6, or 7 days a week!


2. All rest days are not really created equal.  I plan to incorporate strength training, core work, yoga, and cross-training (like biking) if time permits. However, Monday I have ZERO time to dedicate to exercise, so that will be my official “do nothing” rest day.


3. Quality vs. Quantity: Since I’m only running 4 days per week, I am making the most of my runs. There isn’t a lot of room for “easy” runs in my plan. Example, today’s scheduled 4.0 miler is going to be speed intervals, not just plain Jane 4.0 miles at easy pace. Following?


4. Long Runs are Random: The days of my long runs are all over the place, but I tried my best to not have two long runs less than 7 days apart. I only have one 20 miler scheduled because my marathon goal is just to finish!


5.  Subject to Change. While I would like to say my plan is concrete, it’s only just about to be poured. The reinforcing is in place, and I’m ready to pour, just going to take it one run at a time! Sometimes life gets in the way, minor injuries pop up, etc. I’ll do my best to follow this plan, but there are no guarantees!


So… what do you guys think of my plan?



I’ve been a busy bee this morning, taking tests, and studying for the next. I made another quick and easy meal:


Couscous literally takes 5 minutes to make. While it was in the pot doing its thing, I heated up leftover tofu, leftover peas, and chopped some grape tomatoes. Combined it on a plate, snapped some pics, and enjoyed!


Off to study some more before class!

I have a 4.0 miler on the schedule today, but it’s SO hot out. I may have to hop on the dreadmill. 😦


❤ MegaNerd