Studying Through Lunch

My one and only focus today was studying for the F.E. exam.

I left my apartment this morning thinking about it, and realized I made it to campus without eating breakfast! Where is my head?!

It was already 11:00 am when I got out of class, so I stopped at Starbucks to look for something to eat. I have heard they have decent healthy options, so I tweeted to ask for suggestions. Here’s what you all said:

  • Perfect Oatmeal!
  • Greek Yogurt and Honey Parfait
  • Feta Wraps
  • Cheese/Fruit Platters
  • Breakfast Sammies



There was so much to choose from, but I ended up choosing the Dark cherry yogurt Parfait. I knew that I would like this, since I had the same one a few months ago in Virginia Beach.


It’s a pretty decent size, and the nutritional stats weren’t too bad.


My favorite part is the crunchy almond-coconut granola!


I took a practice FE exam, which took over four hours! The real test is actually two four hour exams, with an hour break for lunch. I should have taken a break for lunch today…

By the time I looked up at the clock, it was 4:00 pm! I realized I never took a break for lunch. Where is my brain?!

I ate a small snack of cinnamon graham sticks, since I knew Jason would be home soon and be wanting dinner.


I was right! We had a few errands to run tonight, so we stopped for dinner at Chipotle while we were out.

I ordered a salad with chicken, black beans, tomato, fajita veggies, tomato salsa, and hot sauce.



I dipped my fork in the guacamole to use as “dressing” for my salad.


Along with some chips! 😀


Afterwards, we stopped at Rita’s Italian Ice for dessert! (Missing lunch made me hungry!)


I was hoping for the pumpkin pie cream ice, but they didn’t have it!!! Bummer.

Has anyone tried it?


Instead, I settled for a kids size coconut cream ice. It reminded me of snow… not that I know what that’s like.


Some people overeat when stressed, I forget to eat. Neither one are healthy. I know that proper nutrition is important, especially when I am expending so much brain energy… LOL. I didn’t feel hungry at all until about an hour after I stopped studying, probably because I was so worked up about it.

Tomorrow my goal is to set aside time for meals and snacks!

❤ MegaNerd

Coming Up for Air

I’ve been studying all day. Time to come up for air. 😀


This week is a pretty low key week as far as my actual classes go. I have no homework due or tests, but the FE (Fundamentals of Engineering) exam is this Saturday! I can’t believe it!

This test is a pretty big deal. I spent the majority of the day with my head crammed in the review manual. I will be so happy when it’s over!!




I broke for lunch around 1pm, only two hours after breakfast! LOL.


I heated up some chili from waaaay back. I freeze it in individual servings, and it makes it really easy to reheat for a quick meal.


I got a sweet craving soon after, and finished up the fruit cup from Sunday’s picnic. I ate all but the watermelon, which I don’t really like!


Still needing sugar, I found these Chocobillys buried in the pantry. I actually got them on the plane ride home from the Healthy Living Summit in Boston! I have no idea how they lasted this long.


Dinner was eaten cold, and in between classes. It looks so small, but I promise it was big and filling! I don’t mind eating cold food, but it’s annoying to shove it down my throat in 10 minutes or less!


Included in the mix:

  • 1.5 servings of pasta (I was hungry!)
  • about half a grilled chicken breast
  • broccoli
  • pesto



Blogger Secret Ingredient

Don’t forget to submit your entries for this week’s blogger secret ingredient! This week’s ingredient: ACORN SQUASH!

The entries I have so far look pretty yummy!!


Vote for Lindsey!


My dear friend (and freshman year roommate) Lindsey over at Sound Eats has been looking for a job for months. She spends all of her time applying for jobs and trying to get anything that will give her and her husband (a teacher) an extra source of income. The road has been tough for the job hunt, but Lindsey has managed to keep a really upbeat outlook on everything stating that she is enough and that something great will come along soon. Well, she has found that opportunity and she really needs everyone’s help.

Lindsey has applied to be the next Good Mood Blogger! I believe she is perfectly qualified for this position and already has so much experience with blogging and social media up her sleeve. She also has all of the time in the world right now to put into being a Good Mood Blogger !


Ok, It’s WAY late now. I need to get some sleep, but first a snack. My tummy is growling!!!!

❤ MegaNerd