Busy and Unmotivated

I’ve been a busy bee since I last posted!

Yesterday afternoon, my sister and I worked on our Halloween costumes. It took up a good chunk of the afternoon, and before I knew it, it was time for class!

I struggled to come up with something to eat, since it was about 3:30 when I had to make dinner. I made a bunch of pasta so that Brielle and JasoNerd would have plenty when they were ready to eat (I have to eat at school since I have class from 4:30-10:30).


My pasta included:

  • Penne pasta
  • white beans
  • broccoli (steamed)
  • marinara sauce
  • parmesan cheese

I have to eat my dinners cold, which is getting so old! I also have to break it into two parts, since I have two ten minute breaks. I can’t wait to be on a normal schedule again!

By the time I got home, it was almost 11:00 and I was wiped! I knew that I had a 6.0 mile run on the marathon training plan and I was feeling VERY unmotivated to set the alarm and wake up to run. I immediately texted Caitlin to see if she would run with me!

I met at her apartment, and we ran a total of 6.0 miles. We took a few walking breaks, but still managed to run in just over an hour.


When I am feeling unmotivated to get out and run, I’ve found that it helps to:

  • Run with a friend– This is especially great if you have a lot to chat about!
  • Change the scenery- I like to run somewhere different than usual.
  • Download new music onto your ipod, listening to the same stuff tends to get boring
  • Think about the run in smaller chunks– Today I thought about running two 3.0 mile runs, out and back. It made the time pass faster.


What are your tricks for motivating yourself, when you just don’t feel like exercising?

Before I left, I fueled up with a piece of Almond Butter and Organic Jelly toast. Normally I wouldn’t need such a big snack, but I had not eaten anything since dinner, which was 14 hours prior!


By the time I got home, I was pretty hungry. I made a big yogurt bowl!


My bowl included:

  • container of Stonyfield Black Cherry yogurt
  • 1/2 cup granola
  • banana



I have a LOT to get done today!!! It’s already 11:00 am and I haven’t even showered. Must get on that.

❤ MegaNerd

18 Responses

  1. I always find it best to change up the scenery. I can get stuck on the same route for quite a while sometimes! So glad you had Caitlin to run with… I wish I had a running buddy! My husband isn’t much of a runner so I go solo most of the time.

  2. New music–particularly really bad radio music–is my savior! haha

  3. I know that there are Thermo Bento Boxes; in which you put your hot food and it stay’s hot for HOURS. I’ve been trying to find one myself, but I’ve only seen them online and I find them a bit too expensive. Maybe something for you?

    Check: http://justbento.com/handbook/bento-basics/selecting-right-bento-lunch-box

  4. I usually make a deal with myself. If I have 6 planned then I’ll compromise and tell myself I can just do 4. Most of the time once I get out there I’ll feel like completing the full distance anyways. Great job on getting your run in.

  5. Same tricks as you, they work great!!! I find a change of scenery works really well for me and also “challenging” myself to go the long way home or go a bit longer too. I wish I had a running buddy, afraid I don’t near me…..=(

  6. I always do the run in chunks like you said. I run the same route a lot, so I am familiar with the landmarks. So I tell myself, only 1 mile to X, then when I get there, only 2.5 miles to X, etc.

  7. I like to think of my run or workout in chunks too. I think in incriments of 10 minutes, like 10 more minutes to go! then when thats up, 10 more. I also download new music or switch up my playlist.
    Care to share the halloween costumes?!

  8. My trick is podcasts instead of music. Especially if it’s a series that I’m really into, I tell myself I can’t listen to it unless I’m running. I L-O-V-E The History Of Rome podcasts, but I’m not allowed to listen to them except on runs. Works like magic.

  9. I always think of my runs in fractions – 1/3 of the way done! 1/2 way done! Woohoo!

  10. My tricks? I don’t really have tricks. I just think about how good it will feel when it’s over. 🙂

  11. great idea on calling caitlin to run with you!

  12. The time I have spent working on Halloween costumes in the past 5 days would astonish you. And we’re not done yet.

  13. Your pasta combo sounds really good…I need to try that!!

    I think that music def. motivates me to run. I look forward to completely zoning out into the music. I wish I had running buddies though!

  14. Having someone to meet up with always helps me. I’m feeling very unmotivated today but I’m meeting a friend at 4, so I gotta go 🙂

  15. I agree, doing those little tricks to get you motivated are so important. I often tempt myself with an awesome breakfast after my long runs. When I am feeling unmotivated to do a long run, I just tell myself that the sooner I finish, the sooner I can dive into a huge bowl of sensational oats! (My favorite part of the week)

    Glad you were so productive. Keep it going girl!

  16. I hear you – great tips! I’m all about new music + new workouts to keep me motivated! I’m sorry you’re having to eat cold meals – I dont’ know why but they don’t seem to fill me up the same. Probably all a out perception but thety just don’t seem as filling when they’re cold!

  17. Good luck with all your stuff! Hope your schedule eases up soon. I find that downloading new music helps me get out the door as well!

  18. My fav thing is adding new music to my MP3 player. I get so excited to get out there and exercise so I can listen to it <—dork 😀 I also like to switch up my workouts, like maybe do 30 day shred instead of going to the gym…it's always fun cos Jas will join in…and he looks funny doing jumping jacks and squats lol

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